Swinging into Golf Season

It’s that time of year again when many of our practice members are getting back into their golf routine. Chiropractic care is an integral part of keeping your body mobile and improving function.

Professional athletes like Tom Brady, Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods all utilize chiropractic services to enhance their performance and minimize the risk of injury.

Here are our Top 5 Tips for the golfers:

1.       Be sure to STRETCH

Golf is a full body game. Stretching major muscle groups like the hamstrings, quads and back can all get your body warmed up before teeing off. Try to hold each stretch for 30-45s and go through 3-5 repetitions with your breath for each area.


2.       WALK the course

Using a golf cart is beneficial for people with arthritis or other mobility issues, however, walking is a low impact activity that is great for improving overall physical fitness for people of any age. If you golf with a partner and still want to use a golf cart, switch off walking and driving with each hole.


3.       Drink WATER

It is easy to work up a sweat during a golf game and depending on the power of the sun, golfers can get dehydrated quickly. Plan to carry some water with you or purchase some when you arrive. Take sips throughout the game to stay hydrated.


4.       Proper FOOTWEAR

We don’t recommend golfing in flip flops or any footwear that doesn’t give you proper arch support. If you are an avid golfer then invest in some golf shoes. If you are only golfing during the warm months or less than that, then wear some closed toe shoes that support your arch and heel simultaneously.


5.       Get ADJUSTED

When a chiropractor properly aligns your joints, a benefit is that you can dramatically improve your range of motion. If you want to generate an appropriate amount of force, you need to be able to twist from side to side. Getting regular, consistent chiropractic care can improve your performance and support your body’s overall function.


May your injuries be few and your birdies be many : )

Either way, we’ve got your back!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Kayla Lucas


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