Springing into Health

The days are getting longer, the snow is finally starting to melt away and dare I say the weather is getting warmer? Spring has always been associated with new energy and fresh beginnings. Let’s talk about a few ways we can work with the momentum of this mindset/energy to spring into ways to optimize your physical and mental well-being.



It’s important to try to get exposure to sun onto your bare skin to optimize absorption of Vitamin D

Part of why we feel more energized in the spring is because we are exposed to more natural light for longer periods of the day. This acts in 2 ways to help our nervous system feel supercharged. The first is our circadian or sleep/wake cycle. Allowing yourself to be exposed to natural light first thing in the morning is a great way to help get your day started with a boost of energy as it naturally signals wakefulness to the body. This will also encourage a more rhythmic and restful sleep cycle if done consistently!

More sunlight exposure also means more readily available natural Vitamin D! You’ve probably heard us talk your ear off in the office regarding the benefits of Vitamin D. It is a powerful and essential vitamin that functions to optimize many bodily functions. Some of the most recognized benefits of Vitamin D include:

·        Healthier bone density

·        Improved Immune Health

·        Reduced Inflammation

·        Improved mood

·        Enhanced cognitive function.

It’s no wonder we feel different in the spring! Getting outside for a morning walk is a great way to harvest the natural energy of the sun to help increase natural Vitamin D levels as well as regulate your circadian rhythm! As the days warm up – make sure to get as much direct sunlight on your skin for maximal benefits.



I often find it challenging to neatly organize my linens. I opted for storage bins to place sets in to make my life easier. I struggle with folding fitted sheets neatly, and hate how messy they can look in a linen closet. This helps eliminate that stress and simplify my days for when I turn the beds over. My organized chaos!

Physically cleaning up your living space is a great way to harvest the energy of spring. Naturally we have been conditioned to associate spring with cleaning, and there’s a huge benefit to decluttering our environment for improved mental and physical well-being. You often hear us preach about stress management in our practice and the negative impact of long-term stress on the nervous system. Purging items and decluttering spaces that make us more anxious can help create a less stimulating space that can allow our brains and bodies to come to a greater state of ease and restfulness. The process may not be relaxing, but the outcome is worth it! The sense of accomplishment also doubles down to release those feel good hormones.

Someone once said something profound to me that changed the way I looked at the way I collected “stuff” and created clutter. They told me to look around at all the “stuff” I had. That “stuff” used to be money. That money used to be time. That gave me a lot of perspective on where I was spending my time and energy. My bi-annual big cleans allow me now to do an audit on my belongings and have helped me live more intentionally.  I am much more intentional about the things I purchase and keep in my space as I am very protective of my time and energy!

If you are feeling overwhelmed with your space, here are a few ways to help break it down:

  1. Pick one room or one area to work on at a time. Don’t start the next zone until you complete one.

  2. Don’t put it down, put it away. This was a gamechanger mantra for myself. If you have a busy mind, it’s easy to get caught up mid-task and leave things where they don’t belong. Reciting this mantra helps improve my organization skills. When you’re cleaning – try to think of a designated home for things, this way your mantra will help direct those items back to their designated space.

  3. Don’t get caught up in aesthetic, think about function as well! Social media can tend to glorify how organized spaces are meant to look, discouraging us from ever attempting to reach such unrealistic spaces. Think about how you use your space functionally and work with that! I love to label covered bins, which gives me permission and flexibility to have “organized chaos”. This allows me to know where everything is – while still being able to toss something away.

  4. If you feel overwhelmed, have a friend or loved one help you out if you are struggling on your own. It can be a difficult thing to go through items that may bring up negative or overwhelming emotions. Having the support of a loved or trusted companion can help soften the work. 


Happy Spring to Everyone!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Arti Kumar


Q+A with April Mueller, Lactation Consultant


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