Giving vs Gifting

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‘Tough times don’t last, tough people do.”

- Robert Schuller

I think it’s safe to say that 2020 has been a challenging year for many! Full of unexpected twists and turns. Many of us have had to adapt to things repeatedly at a rate that sometimes feels impossible to keep up with. Adaptation is key to survival and learning to do so can be difficult, but resisting and staying “stuck” can be even more difficult. 


As the holiday season approaches us, many of us will be forced to adapt again. Many traditions of gathering, shopping and giving may look a little different, but the core of traditions shouldn’t change. One tradition of this season can still be preserved and that is the joy of giving! 

Traditionally this time of year we see a symbol of giving represented as a boxed gift, but we are challenging you to think outside the box and focus on alternative ways to give! Giving can be the act of providing love and support to one another. A heavy and repeated term in 2020 has been to practice social distancing, and during this holiday season we would like you flip the script and focus on physical distancing – not social distancing. There are many ways that we can remain connected to one another to maintain that social connection.  

This holiday season, we are encouraging our community to look for an opportunity to give back to those around you. The currency doesn’t have to be monetary; in fact, there are many gestures of giving that don’t cost a thing!  

Below is a list of ideas that are a form of giving:

    • Calling to check in on a friend or family member who is outside your inner circle

    • Leaving a positive review for a small business online or tagging them in your social media posts

    • Volunteering

    • Delivering home made goods to someone’s doorstep

    • Sending a card/email/text to let someone know you are thinking of them 

    • Exchanging meals with another family 

    • Making someone a playlist

    • Sharing your favourite recipes with others

    • Exchanging books or board games  

    • Smiling through your mask

    • Writing someone a letter

    • Being present where your feet are

    • Giving a damn (just say ‘Thank you!’)


Making the decision to give to others is empowering and inspiring. Social connection is a huge piece of the fabric of health and well being.  The act of giving and being present strengthens relationships, builds self-esteem and releases those feel good endorphins to both the giver and the receiver. It’s more about quality vs quantity. 

Make your holiday season intentional. Not the common overwhelmed, overstressed, overspent and overworked. Be the light and give to others in whatever form feels authentic and good to you! 


Yours in Health, 


Dr. Kayla Lucas


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