7 Summer Wellness Tips

I think their favourite time is snack time!

I think their favourite time is snack time!

It’s officially summer and I couldn’t be happier. I love the sunshine, outdoor activities and cold beverages. Here are some wellness tips to help you maximize your summer fun: 


1.     Stay Hydrated

It’s easy to get dehydrated during the summer months with the additional heat. Plan on drinking half a liter before heading out for the day. The goal is to drink ½ your body weight in ounces each day of water. This will keep the kidneys functioning properly and flush toxins from the body. Add some variety to your water by adding your favorite fruit to infuse it- delicious, nutritious and refreshing.


2.     Get Outside

Whether you are venturing out for a beach day, a game of golf or a hike, it’s important to get outside. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is actually recommended to be outdoors, as it is safer. The sun is your best source of Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 has many roles in the body and is essential for optimal health. Generally, midday, during summer is the best time to get sunlight. Be careful to practice proper sun safety measures to avoid burns or heat stroke.


3.     Buzz Off 

Avoid bug repellents that contain DEET, which is effective at repelling insects but also extremely hazardous to your health. Essential oils are a great alternative and they are plant based. For my family and myself, I use doTERRA’s Terrashield Spray. It has a combination of essential oils such as Ylang Ylang, Lemon Eucalyptus, Cedarwood and Arborvitae. Other oils that can be used to deter bugs are Citronella, Peppermint, Clove and Rosemary. If you do happen to get some bites, Lavender and Tea Tree are great for soothing that after bite itch. 


4.     Sun Safety

Natural sunlight is essential for good health, time in the sun is a question of balance. Overexposure causes damage to the skin, accelerates the appearance of aging, suppresses the immune system and can lead to cancers. Children are more sensitive than adults and taking precautions is wise. Use hats, UV resistant swim wear and sunglasses, and balance time in and out of the sun. Choose a natural based sunscreen vs some of the conventional brands. I use the ‘Think Baby’ brand for my littles as well as myself. It is non toxic and does not enter the bloodstream. It’s gentle on the skin and provides great UVA and UVB protection for up to 50spf. Check out our sun safety blog here


5.     Exercise Daily 

The winter months are long and harsh and that’s reason enough to stay inside. Now that it is summer, take the opportunity to enhance your fitness level. Hiking, running, biking, swimming and walking are all great ways to enjoy the great outdoors. Regular exercise can boost energy levels, improve immunity, and reduce the risk of chronic disease. Gardening is a good workout too! Check out our gardening blog here.


6.     Support Local

There has never been a more crucial time to support local businesses. Treat your family and yourself to fresh, organic fruits, vegetables and herbs. Farmer’s markets often have a variety of products that you won’t find at your local supermarket. In Saskatoon there is a variety of places that you can shop to get local ingredients. Here is a list of my faves:

There is a wide variety of local companies in Saskatoon, so do your research and find the ones you like for you and your family.


7.     Get Adjusted 

There is no vacation when it comes to your health. Keeping up with your Chiropractic visits helps maintain proper structure and function of your body. Staying well adjusted throughout the year allows you the ability to adapt your environment and stay active doing the things you love. Don’t be a stranger this summer. 

Yours in Health,

Dr. Kayla Lucas




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